Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us and we want to take care of it. You can read more about our privacy policy below.

1. Privacy Policy

AITOFIT Oy (business ID: 3327828-7), is responsible for the processing of your personal data collected when you visit our websites ( and, their other domains, when you make an enquiry to a service provider on the website or when you use our services, and is therefore personally responsible. When you create a user account or use our services, you provide information that makes you personally identifiable. The privacy and data protection of our users is very important to us and we protect your privacy through technical and organisational data protection measures. The information you provide to us will be processed and protected in accordance with applicable law and this Privacy Policy.

You can always contact us with any privacy and data protection questions by sending an email to By using our services, you agree that we process your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. You also agree that we may send you information by electronic means. Before using our services, it is important that you read and understand the Privacy Policy. Providing personal information is optional. However, it is necessary for us to process your personal data if you use our services in order to fulfil our commitment to you. By ticking the box confirming that you have read and accept this Privacy Policy and by giving your explicit consent at the time of registering your account and using or accessing our services, you consent to the collection, transfer, processing, storage, disclosure and other use of your data.

2. Important Concepts

Personal data means information that can be directly or indirectly associated with a physical and living person. Examples of personal data are name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address. In certain circumstances, information about your IP address and your usage activity may also be considered personal data. Processing of personal data includes all forms of processing of personal data, such as collection, recording, and storage. The controller is the person who, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and methods of the processing of personal data and is ultimately responsible for the processing of the data in accordance with applicable law.

3. What personal data and other information do we collect?

The design of the website, application, your account and our services has been designed to minimize the amount of personal data processed and we only request personal data to fulfill our commitments to you if you have an account and wish to use our services. Personal data is collected when you visit the website, application, create a user account or use our services. Personal data collected may include the following information: personal and contact information, such as name, address, telephone number, email address, and any personally identifiable information related to your training. We also collect other information related to training and recovery, as well as information about how you use the app.

This information is provided when you create an account or use our services. Personal and contact information is needed to fulfill our commitments when you use our services. We also collect device information such as IP address, location, language settings, browser settings, time zone, operating system, platform and screen resolution. We record the use and content of your account, how you use the application and what you do while using it (for example, any button presses (within the application) and the information collected from them, application openings, logins, etc.).

We do this not only to provide our members with a better user experience, but also to provide relevant and personalized information about the services that interest you. We also collect geographic information, i.e. your geographical location. Cookies and other content stored locally on your device. For example, we use cookies so that you do not have to log in each time you visit your user account. For more information on this type of technology, see below under Cookies and similar tracking technologies.

We may occasionally receive information from other sources, usually from our partners, customers or suppliers. For example, a customer may provide us with information about what happens after our services are used. Information from these sources may also include information that was registered before you entered into a contract with us. This Site and App are not intended for persons under the age of 13, and we do not intentionally collect personal information from persons under the age of 13.
Users are only entitled to provide their own personal information and not the personal information of anyone else. We protect your information by using technical and administrative security measures to reduce the risks of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure and alteration.

Although we take steps to protect your information, no information system can be 100% secure. We cannot guarantee 100% security of information storage. If information in our possession is compromised as a result of a security breach, we will take steps to investigate the situation and, if necessary, notify those individuals whose information may have been compromised and take other steps in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

4. What do we do with the personal data collected?

We use all information related to you to fulfill our commitments and ensure the functionality and usability of the Service.

By accepting this privacy policy, you consent to the use of your personal data for the following purposes: providing our services; communicating with you; fulfilling contractual and legal obligations; sending newsletters and occasional messages (if you do not wish to receive these notifications, please email; analyzing usage and stored data; researching how to improve and develop our services; optimizing and developing training and all related application operations, parameters, and variables; preventing, limiting, and investigating misuse of the website and services; creating personalized training programs and exercises that are continually adapted based on all accumulated data; providing customer support to you, including but not limited to fulfilling orders, solving technical issues, and responding to administrative requests; monitoring your payment history, processing and completing payment transactions, and contacting you for account and promotional purposes; contacting you and notifying you of important information regarding your account or changes to our services; analyzing, improving, and managing services and features; enabling service providers to perform certain responsibilities and offer specific services related to our business and operations; resolving problems and disputes and taking other legal and security actions; detecting and preventing fraud; complying with our terms of use and all agreements related to our services, including billing and collection.

In addition to the above, we may monitor and record communication data on our website and application to improve the website/application, comply with regulatory requirements, or detect and prevent illegal activities.

5. With whom do we share your personal data?

In general, we do not share your personal data with third parties. If we do, this Privacy Policy will apply to that disclosure. We will take necessary and reasonable legal, technical and organizational measures to ensure that your information is processed securely and adequately protected when we transfer or share your information with third parties. Providers and subcontractors: We may disclose your personal information to service providers or subcontractors so that they can contact you when necessary to fulfill our obligations to you, to provide access to the website and app, or to fulfill our contractual obligations to you for the other purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. Other companies related to our business: We share this information to provide access to the website and app, to contact you when necessary and to otherwise fulfill our contractual obligations to you. Other uses consistent with this Privacy Policy may also be possible. Public authorities: We may disclose necessary information to public authorities, such as the police, tax authorities or other authorities to whom you have given your consent to disclose such information or to whom we are required by law to disclose information. Divestment: If we sell or buy a business or assets, or if third parties buy a substantial part of our assets, we may disclose that information to those buyers. We will never disclose your personal information to any third party that does not have access to your personal information under this Privacy Policy. Countries outside the EEA: We will always aim to process your personal data within the EU/EEA. The services on the Website and application may be provided by suppliers, subcontractors or group companies located around the world. Your personal data may therefore be transferred to non-EU/EEA countries. Your privacy is very important to us and we will take the necessary and justified legal, technical and organizational measures to ensure that your data is processed securely and with a level of data protection that is comparable or equivalent to that provided in the EU/EEA countries.

6. Retention of your personal data

We will retain your personal data on our computer systems only for as long as necessary to fulfill our commitments to you or to develop our services, or for as long as required by law. Use of the Services includes using the features of the Site and App and actively clicking on any of our email materials.

7. Your rights

You have the right to request, once a year and free of charge, extracts from the register of personal data we process about you. You also have the right to be informed of the purposes for which we process your personal data and to have incomplete or inaccurate information about you corrected. You also have the right to ask us to stop processing your personal data if it is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was collected. Unless there are legal obligations that would prevent the deletion of the data, we will delete from our database, at your request, all unnecessary personal data and references concerning you. If you wish to delete, correct or retrieve personal data we hold about you, or to use your right to data portability, please email with details of your request.

8. Cookies and similar tracking technologies and analytics

We use cookies and analytics on our website and application, including third party cookies and analytics. Third-party cookies and analytics collect information for us, not for anyone else. A cookie is a small file (usually containing letters and numbers) that is downloaded to a device (e.g. a computer or mobile device such as a laptop, iPhone, iPad, Android or other smartphone) and stores information on your hard drive, flash memory or browser. It is used to identify the user returning to the site and to personalize the experience of using the services according to your preferences when you visit our site. We use cookies for various purposes, such as to provide, improve and analyze our services, application and website, to measure and analyze website and application traffic and to use the services.

We also use cookies to collect statistical information, analyze the use of the website and application, and monitor the use of the services. We may also use pixel tags, web beacons, JavaScript or similar technologies stored locally on your device to track your use of various websites and receipt of emails (pixel tags). Pixel tags may be used in connection with our website and application or service or in connection with email communications from us or our partners. Pixel tags generally collect anonymous information that can be used to identify different types of information, improve the service you receive, or send you discounts and offers that are tailored to you.

Pixel tags can also be used to identify the courses, offers or emails that led you to visit our partners' websites. Other companies may use special pixel tags to track visits to their own websites to determine whether web traffic is coming from our site and whether you are eligible to use the services. The third-party cookies we use are only configuration or update cookies that collect information for the above purposes. In addition, they only use first-party cookies, meaning that they only send information to a server in your domain. In practice, this means that their cookie becomes the property of your domain, and no other service or domain can modify or read the data. Information relating to your use of our services or website or application, and your valid IP address may be sent to third parties who retain the information and provide appropriate cookies to servers in countries such as the United States and other countries.

These third parties use this information on our behalf to evaluate your use of the Website, application and the Services, to compile reports on website activity and to provide us with other services related to website and application activity and the Services. Any IP address collected will not be associated with any other information held by us or third parties. If you wish, you can disable or block cookies from different operators by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser. If you do so, you may not be able to use some or any of the features of our site or services.

9. Contact Us

If you have any questions or want to contact us regarding the processing of your personal data, please reach out to us by phone or email ( When contacting us, we will ask you to confirm your identity.